Can bird poop damage my car?

Bird droppings have a ph of 3.5 to 4.5 which it is quite acidic and begins to work through your clear coat as soon as it lands, and with many variables like sun exposure, age of car, type of clear coat and many others it could cause irreparable damage.

Now it is inevitable to not get droppings on your car, but avoiding permanent damage is easy and all it takes are a few items added to your car.

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Before we give you the recipe please know that professional detailers like the ones at DDYC   always recommend to use products that have a good reputation and you can find reviews online, some of the products we use are only available to professionals but there are other brands with similar results. The best consumer friendly is chemical guys they are really friendly, offer classes and back their products just a wholesome company that we support

Lets first talk about layers of a car to fully understand what can happen

The firs layer is of course the metal,then a layer of primer is applied, then paint (which could be from 3 to 12 layers depending manufacturer) then its the clear coat which gives you gloss and protection from the paint from fading.


Now to the products that you should have:

Once you see the bird poop, spray a good amount of the soapy solution and wipe in circles, spray more solution if needed, do not drag towel use circular motions. Once its all removed apply a bit of detailer’s spray and wipe lightly with a new microfiber towel.

For more info

reach out to us via the form below or contact us at / Ph 7606512802 / we are on twitter facebook and google+

Author: dontdivorceyourcar

Father and Husband Owner and Operator of Dont Divorce Your Car

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